
Your Home Cleaning Checklist

An organized bathroom is key to a stress-free morning routine. When everything has a place, getting ready works!
Welcome to the professional organizing services at Clutter-free Solutions. We are here to help you create a customized cleaning schedule for your family home. Our purpose is to make your home a clutter-free & organized space that allows you to relax and recharge. 
We understand that managing a household can be stressful, so we want to make it as simple as possible for you. With our easy step-by-step process, you can enjoy the convenience of a clean and organized home without the added hassle on a single day of the week. We have included all tools as free downloadable resources HERE.

Step 1: Create a Daily Cleaning Routine or use either of our schedules below.

We know the value of a team. Your family is just that! Consider involving your kids in age-appropriate activities. We've provided some ideas below!

You are the best judge of what is the best fit for your kids.

Step 2: Set a Timetable

Once you have your list of daily tasks, set a timetable for completing them. This will help you stay on track and ensure that nothing gets overlooked. Try setting specific times for each task, such as the morning for dusting, after lunch for vacuuming, and in the evening for doing dishes. 

Step 3: Schedule Weekly Cleaning

In addition to your daily cleaning routine, it’s important to also schedule weekly cleaning tasks. These might include deep cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, and polishing furniture. It’s best to assign one day of the week to tackle these tasks, so you don’t get overwhelmed. 

Step 4: Tackle Larger Projects

Finally, it’s important to schedule time to tackle larger cleaning projects, such as organizing closets or decluttering drawers. Set aside a few hours each week to work on these tasks and make sure to break them up into manageable chunks. 

By organizing your cleaning routine into a set schedule, you will save time and money, while reducing the stress of worrying about keeping up with the cleaning. Your family home will always be clean, efficient and inviting.

Assigning Chores by Age:

These are simply ideas! You know what's best for your kids. Some items will require your assistance.


- Put away toys

- Dust furniture/ baseboards

- Put dirty clothes in hamper

- Transfer laundry between washer/ dryer, with assistance.

- Help with setting/clearing the dinner table

- Water plants



- Vacuum

- Feed pets

- Make their bed

- Clean windows

- Help with laundry

- Make their bed

- Put away toys

- Dust furniture

- Assist with cleaning/ washing car

- Put dirty clothes in hamper

- Help with setting/clearing the dinner table

- Water plants

- Sweep floors



- Vacuum

- Pack school lunch

- Clean windows

- Help with laundry

- Feed pets

- Make their bed

- Assist with cleaning/ washing car

- Put away toys

- Dust furniture

- Put dirty clothes in hamper

- Help with setting/clearing the dinner table

- Water plants

- Sweep floors

- Empty dishwasher

- Help unload groceries

- Fold clothes



- Vacuum

- Pack school lunch

- Cleaning/ wash car

- Clean windows

- Do laundry

- Make their bed

- Put away toys

- Dust furniture

- Help with setting/clearing the dinner table

- Water plants

- Sweep floors

- Empty dishwasher

- Help unload groceries

- Mop floors

- Clean bathrooms

Schedule 1: 

Daily Tasks: 

[  ] Sweep kitchen floors 

[  ] Wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces

[  ] Empty all waste baskets 

[  ] Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen sink 

[  ] Dust furniture

[  ] Make beds 

Weekly Tasks: 

[  ] Sweeping and mopping floors 

[  ] Vacuuming carpets and rugs

[  ] Wiping down bathroom surfaces

[  ] Disinfecting toilets, showers, and tubs 

[  ] Cleaning mirrors and windows

[  ] Wipe down face of kitchen appliances

[  ] Polishing furniture 

Monthly Tasks: 

[  ] Cleaning out refrigerator 

[  ] Cleaning oven and stovetop 

[  ] Decluttering and deep-cleaning closets 

[  ] Washing curtains and drapes 

[  ] Dusting ceiling fans 

[  ] Spot-clean walls 

Schedule 2:


[  ] Polishing furniture 

[  ] Sweep kitchen floors 

[  ] Wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces

[  ] Empty all waste baskets 

[  ] Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen sink 

[  ] Make beds

[  ] Wipe down face of kitchen appliances


[  ] Wiping down bathroom surfaces

[  ] Disinfecting toilets, showers, and tubs

[  ] Sweep kitchen floors

[  ] Wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces

[  ] Empty all waste baskets

[  ] Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen sink

[  ] Make beds

[  ] Wipe down face of kitchen appliances


[  ]  Vacuuming carpets and rugs

[  ] Sweep kitchen floors

[  ] Wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces

[  ] Empty all waste baskets

[  ] Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen sink

[  ] Make beds

[  ] Wipe down face of kitchen appliances


[  ] Sweeping and mopping floors 

[  ] Sweep kitchen floors

[  ] Wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces

[  ] Empty all waste baskets

[  ] Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen sink

[  ] Make beds

[  ] Wipe down face of kitchen appliances


[  ] Dust furniture

[  ] Sweep kitchen floors

[  ] Wipe down countertops, tables and other surfaces

[  ] Empty all waste baskets

[  ] Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen sink

[  ] Make beds

[  ] Wipe down face of kitchen appliances


1st Saturday:  [  ] Cleaning out refrigerator

1st Saturday:  [  ] Cleaning oven and stovetop 

2nd Saturday: [  ] Decluttering and deep-cleaning closets 

3rd Saturday:  [  ] Washing curtains and drapes

3rd Saturday:  [  ] Dust Blinds

4th Saturday:  [  ] Dust Baseboards

4th Saturday:  [  ] Spot-clean walls

5th Saturday:  [  ] Dusting ceiling fans 



Madison Smith

Learning Hub

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